The consultancy was initially established to provide a professional immigration service to the increasing numbers of inbound Asian business owners and tourist visitors from the rapidly developing Asia-Pacific region wishing to relocate their businesses and manufacturing plants to the RSA and explore the many varied tourism opportunities offered by the country.
In addition to capital inflows, skilled immigrants boost economic growth with the injection of foreign currency earnings, the transfer of new ideas, critical skills & technologies into SA which would otherwise not be available as well as the transfer of specialist technical and management skills that are in critical short supply and sorely needed to enhance economic activity.
PABC prides itself in having made a significant contribution to economic development in South Africa over a period of 24 years by assisting numerous business investors and critical skills workers with enabling Visa which have ensured that they have invested in or added critical skills to the following business sectors, to name but a few, determined to be in the National Interest:
- ICT services, telecommunications & software development ;
- Engineering & associated services ;
- Manufacture of consumer white goods & associated electronic appliances ;
- Plastic products fabrication & plastic waste recycling ;
- Manufacture of paper & forestry products ;
- Tourism infrastructure development ;
- Power generation infrastructure & green economy industries ;
- Mineral beneficiation & mining-related services.
The PABC customer base has steadily increased over 2 decades to include a wide spectrum of clients from foreign tourist visitors to corporate chief executives, academics, researchers, civil & construction project engineers, architects, agricultural, forestry & environmental engineers, ICT professionals, public health managers, management professionals, actuaries, accountants, scientists and even a Nobel Peace Prize nominee.
PABC today offers immigration services to foreign clients from over 130 countries worldwide and continues to focus on assisting & attracting inbound corporate clients, foreign tourists as well as business investors and professionals who can add value and transfer the necessary critical skills required for sustainable economic growth and development.
The Way We do Business
We at PABC are passionate about attending to the Visa & Permit requirements of foreign visitors and immigrants to South Africa – a function that benefits our foreign clients, ourselves and our country.
Our business has grown steadily from a healthy and sustainable Asian base to a global client base, by adherence to a clearly defined Code of Professional Conduct founded on global best practice and good governance. Timeless values such as personal attention, hard work, and integrity underpin our demonstrated capabilities and proven track record in the SA Immigration specialisation field.
Our dedicated commitment to satisfying the requirements of our clients is enhanced by our service blend of small company agility, competitiveness and in-depth know-how of the local South African environment.